STAAD Foundation Advanced Help

Open Project dialog box

Used to open existing STAAD Foundation Advanced files (with file extension .sfa).

Opens when Open is selected from the Application menu.

Existing tab

To open an existing project, navigate to the directory in which the project file is located and then select the file and click on Open.

Look in Lists the drives and directories for selection.
List box Lists files for selection. The files listed reside in the directory chosen in the Look in option menu, filtered according to the file type chosen in the Files of type option menu. Double-clicking a filename in the list box selects the file.
File name Shows the name of the file that is selected in the list box, or you can key in a filename. The drop-down list includes the name of the existing files in the directory.

To bypass the Look in option menu, you can key in a complete path specification for a file in the File name field.

Files of type Sets the type of file to open. STAAD Foundation Advanced can only read .sfa file formats directly. Use the Import feature to use data in a different file type.
Note: File from previous versions of STAAD Foundation (with the file extension .afs) may be imported using the Converter program.
Open Opens the selected SFA file.

If the filename in the Name field is the same as the name of an existing file, an alert box asks if you want to overwrite the existing file.

If an SFA file is already open, it is closed before the newly selected SFA file is opened.

Cancel Closes the dialog without opening a STAAD Foundation Advanced project file.
Go to Last Folder Visited Returns to the last folder that you opened.
Up One Level Moves up one directory from your current location.
Create New Folder Creates a new folder with an editable name field.
View Menu Allows you to select how to display the files in the directory.
  • Thumbnails — Shows a thumbnail image of the files in the directory.
  • Tiles — Displays the file by name, type and size of file.
  • Icons — Displays the files by the product-specific icon.
  • List — Shows a list of the files in the directory.
  • Details — Allows you to select what details you want to display for the files listed.

Recent tab

The recent tab contains a list of recently opened STAAD Foundation Advanced project files. Select one from the list to re-open.

Open Opens the selected AFS file.

If the filename in the Name field is the same as the name of an existing file, an alert box asks if you want to overwrite the existing file.

If an SFA file is already open, it is closed before the newly selected SFA file is opened.

Cancel Closes the dialog without opening a STAAD Foundation Advanced project file.